Reviewing A Visit From the Goon Squad
Michelle Lei Reviewing A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan A Visit From the Goon Squad Book Cover ~SPOILER ALERT~ A Visit from the Goon Squad is a work of fiction written by Jennifer Egan that was published in June 2010 by Knopf Publishing Group. The novel mirrors and reproduces the feeling of watching TV and it is a character-driven narrative. This means the novel is driven by the characters instead of the plot and the televisual elements work in conjunction with it. The novel begins with Sasha, a kleptomaniac, as the focalizer but shifts when she mentions her old boss, Bennie, who used to pour gold flakes into his coffee. The reader eventually learns that Bennie has dismay for the music industry, which he devoted his entire life to, and is recently divorced. The novel presents the past and future of each character by having the characters talk about memories or things people will eventually do. The use of Chekhov's Gun provides the read...