The Politician Blog Post #3
Episode 2 of The Politician ends with Payton and his friends discovering that Infinity does not have cancer. This moment is pivotal because it could mean a lot of damage to Payton's campaign but he is also conflicted about whether to handle the situation with compassion or like a politician. Payton discovers Infinity does not have cancer | Netflix River saw that Payton was a good person but Payton couldn't see it and now that the truth about Infinity is about to come out, Payton has to remember River and the person he thought and knew Payton was. Payton has an ongoing inner struggle about doing what is right and doing what is best for his campaign. Episode 3 begins with a flashback to a conversation between Payton and River about one year ago. Payton expresses his nervousness about his upcoming debate and River teaches him a breathing exercise to help calm him down. River also tells Payton that he'll be in the front row, cheering him on. This moment between ...